Monitoring PTC » Add a project to monitoring. Order PTC system placement
Add a project to monitoring. Order PTC system placement

Добавить проект на мониторинг. 

Are you an administrator or representative of PTC earnings and advertising system? Do you want to place it on our site? Use the option “add site” - placement and subsequent monitoring of active advertising services. Using our resource you will tell about your bux, increase attendance and will be able to attract a lot of new participants.

What projects do we not post?

  • 1. outright garbage - projects, as they call it, made in a hurry (with a lot of spelling mistakes, poor quality graphics, repulsive design, etc.);
  • 2. hosted on a free hosting service;
  • 3. with Cyrillic domains, 3rd level domains, as well as free top-level domains like *.tk, *.ml (the most preferred ones are *.ru, *.su, *.biz, *.org, *.com, *.net, *.info, *.site, etc.);
  • 4. on unreliable and hackneyed scripts (used a “million” times);
  • 5. with inflated statistics;
  • 6. having trouble making payments;
  • 7. scam projects.

Note: We reserve the right not to post the project!!!

Accommodation conditions

  • 1. the project is placed on the site permanently;
  • 2. the project is added to the monitoring with the status «New PTC», after receiving the first payments we change the status to «PTC Pays» and you get an emblem - see;
  • 3. place a banner in the sidebar under the heading «Novelties» (3 - 5 banners from recently added novelties are displayed);
  • 4. provide the code for a generic «Project Pays» button;
  • 5. every time you post a new project or raise a previously added project, your project is shifted to the bottom position by one point;

Our tariffs

 «Tariff Standart»

The cost of the service «Tariff Standart» - only $2 USD (Start Action)

  • 1. The money you pay is spent on advertising various investment and promotional projects to attract new users;
  • 2. We bring your bux to our monitoring, with a corresponding detailed description of the bux;
  • 3. We place advertising banner 468x60 on top advertising and economic projects;
  • 4. We conduct mailings to 500 @mail addresses of our regular referrals to build an affiliate structure on the bux;
  • 5. Daily monitor your buxa, performing various tasks: surfing, autosurfing, tests, performing tasks and so on; 
  • 6. We make a constant posting of payments on the monitoring in the topic of the project;
  • 7. Make constant posting of payments on various forums (if there is a thread on the project);
  • 8. Provide an 88x31 monitoring button with an overview of your bux.

To place your project on the monitoring, pay according to the tariff to our Payeer wallet: P1113746299. If you are interested in another payment method, please contact the Monitoring Administrator.

In the note to the payment indicate: tariff, link to the project and E-mail (For example: “Tariff Standart”,, 

After payment, fill in the form below:

Our “PROJECT PAYS” button.

Project Pays

<a href="" title="Project Pays" target="_blank">
<img src=" " alt="Registration"/></a>