Old PTCs to make money

In this monitoring category you can find old PTCs for making money. And not just old, but proven only as solvent, long-term with a large number of active users on the site.

For newcomers, bux or active advertising systems that offer payment for a certain action. The most common of which is viewing advertising links.

  • Status: PAYING
  • Project Start: 28.01.2023
  • w/Monitoring: 12.11.2024
  • Paym.system: ЮMoney Payeer Perfect Money Advcash
  • Description: Seoclub - обеспечит Вам продвижение вашего бизнеса, сайта, форума, страницы соцсети, YouTube, Вконтакте, программы или игры среди пользователей ...
View overview
  • Status: PAYING
  • Project Start: 02.11.2012
  • w/Monitoring: 12.11.2024
  • Paym.system: Webmoney ЮMoney Payeer Perfect Money Advcash
  • Description: SEO-FAST.RU - Работает с 2012 года. Выплатил более 187 млн руб. Пользователей более 2 млн. Заработок на сайте Сеофаст лёгкий и под силу даже ...
View overview

Older PTC's - Top Rated 2025!

Regular readers will say that we are already boring and the site already has a category of top PTC to earn money. And in addition, there are also new PTCs. But, my dear regular readers, as you know the bux world is quite alive. And is constantly in motion.

New bux are growing like mushrooms. Some old ones are closed for one reason or another. And as it seems to me, old popular bux, for new readers, will be more easily perceived in a fresh monitoring category. And not in constantly edited old articles.